Hello, happy Monday!

I am Riccardo Bellingeri — a Software Engineer, a husband, and a father.

I was born and raised in Venice, Italy, where I’ve lived until a few years ago.

Growing up I played Cello until my late teens: music was my passion and hobby, along with computers. I would buy parts and assemble them, mess with configuration files and so on. Over time I gradually leaned more into coding, eventually making a career out of it.

In 2015 I took a job in New York where I’ve met who would later become my wife. That’s where I live today, and now am a lucky parent of a 2-year-old boy.

Apart from tech, I like:

I also like About pages, but not sure what else to write in here, so get in touch if there’s something you’d like to know, or take a look at my Resume.