Riccardo Bellingeri

Software Engineer with 10+ years in Financial Services and E-commerce

Excited about building products on the server and in the browser with Node.js, React and TypeScript.


Bread Financial New York, NY

I am part of the Member Experience team, where I led engineering efforts for the creation of the Servicing Portal. I continue to build new features and lead maintenance of this app, used daily by CS agents to navigate the entire loan lifecycle, accessing customer data, communicating via various channels, automating workflows. The app integrates seamlessly with all APIs at Bread.

Other initiatives I've played a key role in, include enhancing the Member Portal, building the Personal Loans app (responsible for nine figures of annual loan originations), and Dough (a Design System/Component Library).

I've mentored other engineers, standardized processes, automated releases, and led cross-team initiatives for shared dev tooling and API consumption.

Hudson’s Bay Company New York, NY and Dublin, Ireland

I led a team of 3 engineers on a Site Speed effort that cut page load times and tracked the improvements daily on a dashboard. As an experienced Front End Engineer, I contributed to a Product Array page and led a revamped Rewards program for Hudson's Bay.

Gilt.com (part of Hudson’s Bay Company) — Dublin, Ireland

Built a brand new Category Page and Nav menu, shared UI components and utilities, and maintained the Checkout flow.

Deloitte Digital Dublin, Ireland

I built new features for the web app powering the leading european bookmaker Paddy Power, and developed blockchain-based POCs for the bank regulatory industry.

Firstborn New York, NY

Created high visual impact microsites for Clash of Clans, Mountain Dew, Pepsi, Ralph Lauren and others.

Alpenite Venice, Italy

I built e-commerce platforms for luxury brands such as Balmain, Lancôme, BVLGARI, Tod’s.




2013B.S. Computer ScienceCa’Foscari, Venice
2010ERASMUS ScholarshipUniversité Paris Cité